
Swiss Tournament - Same Sonneborn-Berger score

For Swiss tournaments, tie breaks are calculated by the Sonneborn-Berger score.
But what happens if two people get the same Sonneborn-Berger score ?
Is there some other hidden score if that happens or will the ranking be random ?
lichess then uses the tournament performance rating as second tiebreaker
What if, as unlikely as it is, they have the same tournament performace?
I had a swiss tournament with that issue a few days ago ( ).
As you can see, the 3rd and 4th place have exactly the same points, tie break, performance, win rate, rating.
@Anton1000 I think that the third-place winner was the third place because he got to third place first. And then fourth was unable to surpass 3rd and that is how the standings were generated.
In addition to the Sonneborn-Berger, the Buchholz system can also be considered to determine the ranking of players having the same number of points and the same Sonneborn-Berger valuation. Or it was Buchholz first, then Sonneborn-Berger for finetuning.
@Shotgun_shell Yes but I think that the third-place winner was able to surpass the fourth-place winner and then their results were tied IMHO.

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