

Can anyone explain to me? Lichess approved my stream page and I streamed more than 1 hour but I didn't have a streamer icon and there isn't any green thing said I was streaming.
Here is my streamer page on lichess.
@chess-funny said in #1:
> Can anyone explain to me? Lichess approved my stream page and I streamed more than 1 hour but I didn't have a streamer icon and there isn't any green thing said I was streaming.
> Here is my streamer page on lichess.
click on the link yourself, it's 404 page not found
Maybe try streaming again? As lichess said in streamer Q&A the lichess-twitch API isnt perfect. Maybe they just missed it.
@chess-funny said in #1:
> Can anyone explain to me? Lichess approved my stream page and I streamed more than 1 hour but I didn't have a streamer icon and there isn't any green thing said I was streaming.
> Here is my streamer page on lichess.

Hey, welcome to the streaming community. As a chess streamer, I feel very nice whenever a new streamer starts his streaming career, my best wishes for your twitch channel, try streaming at least once a week so that the streaming badge won't expire. I can see your streaming badge at your profile now.

@chess-funny said in #8:
> @OptimisticDestiny thanks a lot. How long will I get a green thing when I start streaming?

Once you start streaming, make sure you have "" included in your stream title. For me, the green streaming badge during a game comes automatically after I start streaming, should be the same for you. If not, keep streaming for 15-20 minutes and it'll be there for sure.
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