
So far only one major thing wrong with lichess (for me)

Too many cowards! This is where most of the cowards have come to hide out I guess... It's hard enough to get consistent games with players rated 2000+ on here without those same players being afraid to loose their precious "lichess rating points", that even when I play someone, if they get "lucky" (yes I said get lucky, there's a reason it's in the lichess insights) and immediately decline my rematch and then I see the same person pop back up on the search looking for a new game 30 seconds later, only to find out they're now playing someone 1800+ LMAO. I hope this site grows fast enough that they'll be enough "competitors" that people like myself won't switch back to
If you say people on this website are cowards and you come here, what does that make you? Also if you dont like lichess then dont be on it, no one is forcing you, go back to and keep paying for stuff made free here. ;) cheers
First of all " pranav15 " I wish people like you would learn how to read and/or at least use context clues...I said "most" of the cowards which would indicate that NOT everyone on the site is a coward, although by your response: it's clear that you're likely one of "them". Also I'm a USCF National Master and all "confirmed" titled players get a "free" Premium Membership on so therefore I don't pay for any of the "features" you refer to anyways. ;) cheers
Coward? Yes we all have our own fears, brave in some situation but a coward in another so you could say everyone is a coward. And i don't use chess. com enough to know that titled players get privileges which is segregation. On here everyone whether a patron or not a patron, a beginner or a grandmaster everyone gets the same privileges and is treated equally unlike, where higher rated players get features that people who want to start chess don't get. If someone has to pay for premium features their interest in chess would lessen and they would think of chess as a expensive game and prevent other people from playing it by spreading the message on "premium" membership which is nonetheless very useless. If you knew anything about people you would understand that premium memberships are often ignored and these "5 puzzles a day" makes the interest of people go down as they can only do 5 puzzles a day. USCF NM or a beginner I respect those who respect me. If you can only slander about this website please leave. ;) Cheers
Slander? Again..."context clues"; the title of the post is? -- So far "ONLY" one major thing wrong with lichess (for me). Which would guessed it: that I'm saying the only major thing among all the other "good" things about this site are the "cowards" (IMO). You seem to be at least of some "liberal and/or progressive" mindset...therefore I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're for "democracy", "liberty" and "freedom of speech" as well as choice and I imagine lichess was created in the same spirit (until or unless they pull a "chesscube" on us) sooo...This is a "forum", not a "propaganda writers log", and I imagine someone and "something" of said ideals would not look at someone's statements (which were preluded with "to me" = one's own opinion or unique experience) as being "slander". For if one desires to slander, then one would not try to make it clear that his/her remarks are from the individuals own perspective,
but rather would express their views as "facts"! Also the issue of "respect" which you mouthed with such "reckless righteousness" should be brought into question. I believe I speak for "MOST" titled chess players as well as "SOME" ardent lovers of the game when I say that giving titled players certain privileges over others has benefits that far outreach your "equality for all" principles! Let's elaborate briefly: Factor 1) most "strong" and/or titled chess players are of "humble means" - they usually cannot afford to spend even such nominal fees as most chess sites cost; as they may play on multiple sites. Factor 2) most chess enthusiast enjoy playing against strong and/or titled players for different/obvious reasons (even your precious lichess "label" these players) Factor 3) most "decent" people in the world of chess (IMO) actually like to see people reap "SOME" perks/rewards and/or a certain level of respect for things they work hard to attain. Factor 4) I could go on and on for hours, but this post is waaaaay too long ;) cheers
Say whatever you want as it is "freedom of speech". Maybe when someone uses their "Freedom of Speech" against you then you might realise why i call this slander. Cheers ;)
P.S- Could we stop this? I dont have enough time for this BS uno :(
I don't get upset at those who think or believe differently than I do. Even if it's saying something bad about me (as long as it's in the correct context in terms of whether or not it's fact or opinion). Both fact and opinion should have there respective "reaction" from the "victim". So this clearly was not slander as it points out not what the site itself has done wrong, but rather the wrong of "most" of the 2000+ rated players I've encountered on the site (IMO). Also yes we can stop now... I'll simply remove the gun from your head! that better? ;) cheers
it's internet blitz. you are a titled player, you don't have anything else to prove to anyone, what does it matter whether you get a rematch or not?

i never ask for rematches (but i do accept them), and even then i don't think it's rare at all to get a 4+ game series. maybe it's because i am not realizing how often it actually doesn't happen :p but then again it doesn't matter to me

"Too many cowards!"


"I hope this site grows fast enough that they'll be enough "competitors" that people like myself won't switch back to

You can always go back to other site, there are already some titled players here who are more respectful than you ;-) You are always welcome to come here.

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