
Should Chess Be Used And Learnt In Schools?

Beneficial or not, chess is just a game that requires extensive time and training, therefore general teaching will only get most students to just the basic level, and forcing people to play a game they do not enjoy will cause a diversion and a blockage in what they actually want to learn, because if someone is interested in chess they can learn at their own pace at their own time.

Also, there are a very small few who are qualified for proper teaching at the school setting while also being advanced enough to teach chess easily.
Math will also get the pupils to a basic level and still we teach it while 8/10 hate it.

If you create a new subject it’s always a mess, which is why those things go gradually. Studies on few schools, then a county, …, some federal states and eventually the whole country. Entry requirements will be extremely low at first, not every class can get a GM obviously.

I think the only important part is whether or not it will be beneficial for the students. The implementation will be easy, there is so much stuff out there. A lazy teacher could just put on an educational stream from naroditzky or ashley and get a coffee once the students hit a certain level. Or let them play OTB and get a coffee. Mostly coffee 😄
"Math will also get the pupils to a basic level and still we teach it while 8/10 hate it."
Math is also what has helped in a lot of technological advancement, combined with engineering and computer science.
But I might be kinda biased since I'm a math nerd 😄
im not trying to talk down on math, its just a part of life. my point was even tho u have it for all those years u still know absolutely nothing and the little you get taught doesnt get appreciated except by a select few. when u go to university you will repeat 12-13y of math education and then some in two weeks and thats if you just run it as a side course. if you main it you will pick up even more speed.

other classes like history could easily be replaced with chess. all i learned in multiple years of history was that russia wants an ice-free harbour and is eyeing at the krim peninsula for that matter. now whether or not i wouldve learned that detail became irrelevant. also learning from history isnt a thing. greed dictates we do the same stuff over and over. maybe if it feels less like a deja-vu you can actually still get upset.

also studying your native language till the bitter end seems wrong to me. would be preferable to pick up a 3rd foreign language or a fourth - or chess or an instrument. i have learnt absolutely nothing in German class for the last 5 or 6 years that i was forced to take it.
I think they should encourage you to play chess but shouldn't enforce it.
It should not be enforced, but it should be encouraged. Because It improves patience, problem-solving, creativity, calculation-skills, and is also fun.

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