
Running a rapid Swiss

I have noticed suggestions on the lichess feedback forum for alternatives to the Arena format, for this reason, I intend to run an experimental Swiss rapid tournament at the 10+6 time control with the following rules:
When two players are paired, they have one week to play 3 games, two of which must be with the assigned colors, and one with the colors reversed (with the second game having reversed colors, so colors alternate).
At the end of the week, the total match result is used as a single win, loss, or draw to determine pairings (1.5-1.5 is a draw), if the match is incomplete (not all 3 games are played), it is to be considered "over" and the partial result used (1-1, 0.5-0.5, and 0-0 are draws, all other incomplete results are decisive).
The winner is to be determined by total score of all the games (so winning 3-0 gives 3 points, but winning 2.5-0.5 only gives 2.5).
I plan to use to manage the Swiss, and to post results and crosstables in this thread.
If anyone is interested in playing or has a question or suggestion please post it on this thread.
The main purpose of this informal tournament is to experiment with Swiss formats and, of course, to play games.
The rules described above are not final and are subject to revision, see later posts.
I aprreciate you take initiative to run an experiment.
How are players especially from different time zones to convene the time of playing?
How many rounds of Swiss do you intend?
How do you handle dropouts: people who no longer play? Do you remove them or do you keep them?
What if people drop out after 1 or 2 of your intended 3 games?
Time zones and convening via PMs is difficult, but I assumed that Alice can be playing in the morning while Bob is playing late at night, for example.
For the number of rounds, probably four, I believe that this is typical for Swiss tournaments.
Dropouts are a potential issue, as counting all their remaining games as losses can give some opponents an unfair advantage.
Unfinished matches were addressed in the first post, counting total score to define the winner gives additional incentive to play all 3 games.
The number of rounds in a Swiss tournament is dictated by the number of participants. With 4 round you can accomodate up to 16 players. With 5 rounds up to 32 players, with 3 rounds up to 8 players. Normally the number of rounds is preferred odd, as it is otherwise difficult to ascertain an equal number of white and black games. The ones who get 3 blacks and 1 white in 4 rounds usually complain. With your 3 game mini matches this may be less of an issue, but still.
OK, so the number of rounds must be dictated by the number of players.
As for drop-outs, I found this: , for scoring purposes, I think a reasonable solution would be to count the opponents' scores against the quitter as the average of the other scores of that player (so if you play 4 rounds against non-quitters but one is against a quitter, your total points in the other 4 are multiplied by 1.25 to compensate for missing a round).
Of course, in a friendly tournament, if others are willing to wait, a round can be extended a little if some players did not finish all three games.

Also, it looks like there is one entry already. :)
1. the_loving_boy
To #4: I thought Swiss is very flexible for number of players and rounds. Where does this dictating thing come from? My local club has 16 players and a 7 round swiss to decide the champion.
If you have not enough rounds, you have ties winning
If you have too many rounds, it becomes increasingly difficult or impossible to generate pairing
For 1 player: 0 rounds trivial
For 2 players: 1 round trivial
For 3 to 4 players: 2 rounds
For 5 to 8 players: 3 rounds
For 9 to 16 players: 4 rounds
For 17 to 32 players: 5 rounds
The 3-game mini-matches reduce the chance of ties.
In any case, I have taken part in a 4 round Swiss recently OTB that had more than 16 players in some sections, I think unbreakable ties for first are unlikely enough that the chance is often neglected. We can of course have a play-off if there is a tie (as we have no great urgency to finish).
Currently in are:
1: the_loving_boy
2: MajorTom20
t̶p̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶?̶ tpr is out. :(
We will need at least one more entry to have four players...which is still a pathetic Swiss. :(
Really, at least 8 or so is needed for a decent tournament.
No thank you, I will not play in it.

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