

Ratings in Chess interest me to an obssessive level..what I mean is that I am obssessed with reaching a 2000-2200 elo in "general playing strength" Right now I estimate myself to be about 2100 "in max strength" but i want that to be my normal strength if you know what i mean..cuz otherwise im stuck at 1800's. What does it take to truly advance in chess? any advice?

btw, I remember a few months ago when I was still a rookie "but thought I was good" one ofmy friends was about the same level which I imagine now was "1100-1300" by lichess standards lol and funny thing is, I told him, bro arent u tired of beating all our other friends in chess? wish there was someone strong enough to compete! lol and he replied "I dont think there is anyone stronger than us" hahaha I still remember how clueless we were, because now that I have come to know the game better, I know that even my current skill is nothing compared to some of you amazing folks out there! soooo

Advice me all you can!! I want to know the best way to learn. So far ive only learned through practice, about 500 games since i was 1200, is that fast or slow advance? but now i feel like im almost standing still in learning further the game.
no advice...Bump!

btw those of you below 1800, how many games have u had with zero mistakes, blunders, or inaccuracies? ive had a few tbh, and love the feeling lol

my last game unfortunately was rushed, cuz considering the position i shoulda had zero..but i Rushed U_U
Study games of masters to get strong. And your own games.

A high rating is not strength.
Thanks, but self-studying has not been too great in progress..
chessbomb dot com. there are other places but that place comes to mind.
oh there are masters who are putting videos up on youtube. you can google chessexplained or ymchessmaster. They're both IMs. And they both do great videos.
зачем пропагандировать тройной шах непонятно
Ah I don't mean to be so harsh either. But really analyzing your own games is the way to go. When a game of slow chess is played, the two players typically analyze it after.

If you don't look at and improve your own mistakes, then who else is going to do it for you.

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