
Rating: 2145. You are better than 97.0% of Rapid players.

but then the computer analysis crushes my soul. I am just shaking my head in disbelief at how much I missed. Id post the game here but I cant bear to look at it. Maybe a few horses might help me but looking at the eval on a game I thought was well played is enough to make me quit for the night...
Tal would be crushed too looking at his games with the computer. 3 decades prior to that Capablanca played with an average of like 30 acpl.

it depends how sharp the game went, u cant for example compare a london system vs a kings gambit game.
Of course, everybody has good games and well, not so good ones. perfectionism can be a bitch.
Please look at move evaluations for a rapid game between really high rated players. They must have missed something.

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