
Quitting Chess Forever?

Depends. if you're talking about something happening outside of chess it'd be because I don't have enough time or have more important stuff going on.

If we're talking about chess related stuff making me quit, I've told myself if I get fool's or scholar mated I'd quit chess forever.
This thread reminds me of an old joke. A lot of you have probably heard this one before, but it's still a good one. It goes like this.

Two young men are playing a game at their local chess club. It is a very close game with Bogdan – the younger of the two men – slightly better. After some consideration Yuri, the older man, plays his move and starts his opponent's clock. Bogdan is so deep in concentration that he doesn't even look up. Satisfied with his move, Yuri walks around the hall for a while observing the other games.

After ten minutes or so, he resumes his seat to find that not only has Bogdan not made his move, it seems like he hasn't even blinked in that time. Yuri looks down at the board and back at his opponent, not wanting to disturb his thinking and waits.

After another 20 minutes without moving a piece or a muscle, Bogdan's flag falls and Yuri extends his hand. "Good game," he says, "it was a very complicated position."

Bogdan jumps, startled, looking at Yuri's outstretched hand and then the clock, only now realising that he had lost the game. "My apologies, Yuri," he replies, shaking his opponent's hand. "My mind was elsewhere. I am to play in the Leningrad Championships next week, and my wife says she will leave me if I compete."

"That's awful, what will you do?" Yuri asks.

"I don't know what to do," Bogdan answers, "But one thing is a certainty. If I have the white pieces, I will play 1. e4."
Sometimes brain damage has nothing to do with chess strength, I assure you. And, by the way, you don't need hands to play blindfolded. Death? What if you find out that there is life a after death? You don't know that certainly. LOL

When I say brain damage I mean something like Alzheimer's or dementia
I'm pretty sure my consciousness needs a brain to exist, but if I'm wrong, then you could say that I didn't really die (death = nonexistence) so I would just continue to play chess
You would need to always have someone that moves the pieces for you if didn't have hands ( imagine playing bullet with that "input lag" lol )

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