
Puzzles like this

Puzzles like this
feel very weird, or unnatural. I don't mean our move as black. That took me a bit of thinking, but it makes sense; I mean white's "flip the table" response. I was expecting the continuation to follow 19. Nh4 or 19. Rg1 or something like that... but the puzzle ended so oddly and abruptly. I imagine it was calculated as white's best response, but I sure wouldn't have found it.

How many of you would have found 19. Qxh7+?
It is a really forced situation for white. Getting checkmated, or losing the queen to prevent the checkmate.

After 19. Qxh7, 19 Kxh7, white can take black's bishop with the knight. So white get at least some material back...and can survive maybe a little longer.

But yes sometimes I have as well some puzzles, which feel really weird for me ;) But this particular seems legit for me,..imo.

For me it's helpful to look with stockfish on the puzzle, if i don't get a solution.
I agree maybe a solution would be to have a category of the puzzle- 1) find checkmate 2) find advantage position c) win exchange(s)
can be very frustrating spending a long tome to find a mate that isn't there
The nature of the puzzle is already different from a real match in that you know for sure (provided the puzzle is not faulty) that there is one single move that is much better than all others. To tell you specifically what the nature of that move is would, in my opinion, basically make the puzzle pointless. If you know going in that there is a checkmate sequence on the board, it's going to make it much easier to find it because you can rule out all the other stuff. Maybe you immediately spot a way to win a queen, but the only reason you know it is wrong is not because of your chess skills but because you have been told there's a checkmate to be looking for.

This would ruin the puzzles for me.
I always check all checks, no matter how bad they look. Analyzing these seemingly bad moves is what keeps me from losing many games. Expecting unexpected moves is one aspect of a stronger player.
That's what you get when solving puzzles based on computer analysis. I guess Nh4 would be the best human try, which actually got me thinking.

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