
Petition to make advertising on Lichess illegal.

Recently, many people seem to have gotten the idea into their heads that Lichess forums is a suitable place to advertise their teams. This however should be illegal. One it takes up space in the "latest forum posts" feed and since there is a limited amount of posts that can appear on it the spam post may squeeze out actually useful chess discussions. Two storage space isn't free and I'm sure that lichess doesn't really want your spam team taking up more space on their servers than it has to.

How do u sign the petition? Well... Join This Team!!!
This is the only forum post that has made me laugh
Glad to know someone appreciated the joke. Although I'm pretty serious though. I think advertising on lichess is bad.
Honestly I think one post for advertising a team is fine because they don't make money off of it. But I dislike when people make 5 forums about one team.
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I appreciate the humorous irony in your post, but I would like to provide a cautionary anecdote. I call it "The Downfall of the Grover Cleveland Rock Opera Ironic Advertising Campaign":

A while ago, I had a policy where I would advertise the Grover Cleveland Rock Opera Fan Club (which is literally a team in which I post parody lyrics of metal songs relating to the presidency of Grover Cleveland) in any forum I found that was designed to advertise teams, in an effort to lampoon the fact that most teams that were advertising membership didn't really have much to contribute. I then parodied my parodies with campaigns to promote the promotion of the GCROFC within the team. I thought that people would understand that my intention was to make fun of teams that kept advertising.

Unfortunately, not everyone on lichess understood the sarcastic tone of these posts, and we received an influx of members who didn't know who Grover Cleveland was. It got so bad, I had people messaging me trying to receive a position in the Grover Cleveland Rock Opera Public Relations Campaign Public Relations Campaign Public Relations Think Tank and Community Outreach Program for the General Awareness of the Grover Cleveland Rock Opera Fan Club Public Relations Committee Public Relations Committee.
First of all, illegal is a too strong word, you might have meant forbidden. Secondly, how on earth could teams make themselves known to the users of this forum except advertise them is this forum. I agree that this should only be done once and not multiple times.
please people, first advertisements then ads, we dont wanna have that. Thats for sure !!!
I agree with you. Advertising teams is the best way for a team to be known. However, I am talking about those people who 1 Doesn't say anything about the team and literally just say "Join this team plz" and nothing else and won't give a reason when asked why and say "just join plz" etc etc.. and keeps spamming this multiple times.

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