
Openings of the Elite Players

Good afternoon all. So soon I will be celebrating my 25th birthday. In about 2 weeks to be precise. I have a few chess books that I'm debating whether or not to purchase. I have Silman's Complete Endgame Course which I treat as if it is made of diamonds or gold!!! (I focus primarily on endgames right now. I have opening knowledge enough to get me to the middle game and then endgame).

Which brings me to my question.

Can anyone tell me, Master, Tournament player, streamer or commentator alike, what are the openings played by the CURRENT Elite Top players these days? I have seen a lot of Ruy Lopez Berlin Defenses and Open Berlin Defenses. I see a lot of Kings Indians and a lot of Grunfeld's.

Could anyone let me know please? I accept all answers. Thank you!!! :)
You should be able to look this up yourself in two ways (that come to my mind):
1. Chessbase (better but not free)
2. SCID vs PC with KingBase database (almost as good and free) and

I prefer SCID vs PC since I don't want to pay for Chessbase (overkill for my skill level).

You can search the kingbase database by top GMs, player, position, and be able to report on their openings. Here is the documentation of how to search in SCID vs PC ->

To get a list of what players play as an overview without doing any of that, look at and then go to and do a search of the players you like or are interested in, and then you can get a breakdown of openings they play a lot. for Magnus Carlsen for example.

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