
No real chess skills

I suck at this game. I know no offense or defense strategies. I’m certainly not a prodigy . Still I’m in here getting W’s on players with over a “2000” rating? The common belief is a 2000 or higher is like some sort of grand master level. Devalues the rating system — ya ask me
you only play bullet, and in the bullet wins who makes the least mistakes and plays the fastest. If you say you don't understand anything about the game and you still win, try playing with more time control, and one of two options will happen: You will start to be slaughtered by those over 2000, or you will continue to win, if continue to win, maybe you’re not as bad as you think =)
This should be written in bold on the front page of every chess site: "Your rating on this site is not an objective and accurate measure of your ability to play chess!"
I hear both of you. In regards to the “timed games” and all things being equal/relative a bullet game is significant. Playing fast with minimal mistakes is the only way to win. It is transferable — I have played lots of longer games I just don’t often. I like prefer a fast moving Because of the entertainment value. Slow games just drag on - but I’ve had the same success with say a “five minute with time added” with each move etc.
Rating is just a number, I'm a "2000" bullet player and I lose to "1300s" sometimes in 1+0. What's the big deal? I'm just here to have fun. If my 'number' drops by a hundred, that doesn't mean anything to me :)
2000 lichess rating is not necessarily master, and certainly not some sort of GM. Lol. And Yes pretty much anything can happen in bullet : )
I keep losing but I still play here everyday. As long as you're happy and making new friends in this time of quarantine, makes it more meaningful.

Try to join tournaments here. Thank you and have a nice day.
The rating on lichess is different than a classical FIDE rating. I believe 2400-2500 lichess blitz = (approximately) FM. A 2000 rated player approximately equals to 1700-1800 FIDE rated player. Bullet isn't really a chess, so if you want to know how strong you are at chess then try to play blitz or rapid.
you guys honestly think 2500 blitz player on here is only 1700 FIDE strength??? You are fooling yourself.

And I think you know this, just you need to put other people down because they are higher rated than you, so you need to say something, anything, to convince yourselves that they are not that good.

You should be above this.

When I click player’s profiles more often than not their FIDE and internet blitz and bullet ratings are all about the same.

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