
New Variant Idea: Forum chess

This is what I call Spectator Perspective and it's a great way to play. I made a magnetic board like this back in 1994 and posted on my Instagram a couple years ago. The trouble is that old habits die hard, no matter how great an idea. People usually talk a big change game, but when push comes to shove nothing happens unless people are really compelled to change, often forcefully. It's the same way with Chess 960. It took a long time for me to embrace it, even though it's superior to standard chess.
Of course in a perfect world you would set up the board with 8 pawns each and Queens on their own colour and it's understood that you couldn't set up this impossible position here.
Here is my variant to compete with Forum Chess: Futile Chess.

Is it winnable? Maybe, maybe not. Finding the answer is a contest of sheer grit and determination.

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