
New time controls for Correspondence games, opinions please ?

@InnateAluminum and others, I'm sorry if my words were harsh, I didn't read all the past posts either.

Timebank is a no-increment "clock" for the game, but that clock only gets activated when your movetime is over, and it freezes again when you make your move (and renew your move clock, as always). You forfeit the game if your timebank clock runs out.
mdinnerspace seems like a 'problem for every solution' kind of person.

It seems there is demand for this kind of feature. I think ultimately it will speed up correspondance games since you can start with smaller time controls with a time bank for those times you need them.

For example, instead of starting 10 day per move gamesI can start 3 day per move with a 7 day timebank . I would then at least expect a move every 3 days, upon occasion more instead of expect a move every ten days.

We can explain this to you but we cant understand it for you.

I await our next few round of 'Ah, but what about this, and what-if that?'
Lovely example, @Dopaminergic_Chess #53. Thank you, dear.

Of course that's to show how it works, not how people should or would play it.

@BaronVonChickenpants retrieves my main point, that we could all play smaller time controls and avoid player procrastination, if we can play with smaller move time without having to worry about forfeit in case we fail to make one move in time for any life reason along the year.

Sometimes you mean to see your partner every day, but don't wanna forfeit the relationship because of one day away.

Then play 2 days.
Check out the explanation given by thibault about adding new features, changing the existing code in the link provided in post #56
Often, questions do get asked, "what about this, what about that." Some of you think that volunteer developers have nothing to do but sit around writing new code, changing old code, only to satisfy peoples never ending wishes for new features, additions, to change ways of doing things.

Many fail to understand that lichess is operated by volunteers. There is 1 paid employee. Many suggestions have merit. Ask every member and all would have a suggestion to improve the site.
In reality, improvements, new features and useful additions are being made, but the selection of such is determined by considerations as explained by thibault. The growth of the site is probably slower than people would like, but they can only work with what is available.

The existing parameters of a simple time control, choosing 1-14 days with no vacation time works great for most players. Complicating things, with options for vacation time, banking time, the need for new player pools, sliding bars to select added time, players starting to request extra time due to emergencies,
a weeks added time in one game, 2 weeks in another, time out in some games and not others, this is all unnecessary and just creates the need of writing a bunch of new code and changing the old.
Correspondence naturally does take a long time, even at 1 or 2 days per move. An idea to speed things up while still allowing enough time so people dont flag would be a "Time for the whole game" + "Delay on each move" (not increment)

For example, 7 days to make all of your moves, with say a 12 hour delay. This way you can know the game will end within about 2.5 weeks.

Although, I do agree with @mdinnerspace that if some new correspondence feature were implemented, it would be seldom used and would clutter up the site. I would bet correspondence in general is also low on the lichess programmers' long list of priorities.

So maybe just do 2-3 day per move games, and try to play people who have consistent records of not flagging in correspondence.
Correspondence should tryout hourglass time format. While Player 1 is deciding a move, player 1's clock time is decreasing and Player 2's clock time is increasing. This is similar to how an hourglass work.

Moving slowly gives your opponent extra time.

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