
music during chess?

Yes, I always listen to TheFatRat music during tournaments! :D
instrumental, or songs where i don't have to listen to words (like when i did not know English at all, English would be part of the envelope).

I don't listen to music while playing. although some types could be giving some sense of time flow. i think classical, baroque (bach, e.g.).

more contemporary, would have to be something i have listened to a lot and only need to feed on the emotional motivational spillover. no new music.

different music different cognitive impacts. different people, different music as well.
It helps focus your mind you will go to a different thing and once you done with it for my chess improves and I win more games.
I listen to a local radio station whilst doing pretty much anything on the computer, including playing Chess.
It's music isn't really "music" in the sense that you don't really notice it. It's what you could call "background music".
I becomes background when listened enough times. Actually i may have to recant. there is background annoying like not enough life in the melody or chord progressions, like elevator music. But there is background stimulating, like a drum solo.
which one can zoom in and out as controlled distraction and motivation.

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