
Most attacking opening

No no that's not the stonewall attack
Perhaps the videos that I posted can explain it better
Stonewall is an aggressive defence for black. It was played e.g. by Botvinnik and later picked up by Carlsen.
You can play it in reverse with white and then it is called Stonewall Attack.
@CoolChesser what yabbadabbadooooooo has said is not wrong
If you hang pieces then aggressive openings won't do any good
Okay - so you said...

"pawn center formation, space,Going straight for the King, open positions with quick development and wild tactics, building up a strong position with a lot of space and cramping down your opponent"

Keeping in mind that you can't get everything with one opening and it's a matter of balance, here are some thoughts...

Open with 1.e4

Against 1...e5 you might like Evan's Gambit. It's one of the more positionally sound gambits, but still teaches you to attack and push with the Initiative.

Against 1... e6, I would suggest the Advance variation as it's somewhat less theoretical and simpler than Nf3 and Nd2, and gives you a space advantage on the Kingside. Play is very thematic - your pawns point you in the direction of the King, so get your pieces over there and attack before Black beats you on the queenside.

Against 1... c5, you might like the Alapin as it's less theory than the mainlines, but sound as you fight for your stake in the center. In some positions you end up with an isolated pawn, which is good to practise with. It's not as aggressive as other lines, but it is easier to play just by focusing on fundamentals.

Against 1... e6, you might like the Advance variation against this as well, which is fairly aggressive and there isn't too much theory to get stuck in compared to some of the other lines.

For Black - I suggest sticking with the basics to practise defense with 1.e4 e5 and 1.d4 d5, as the best overall balance and easiest to understand. Once you're competent with those, you can start to branch out and look at other defenses.
Oops didn't know that it's aggressive for black as well
Sorry my bad
@CoolChesser if you are going to play the stonewall as white then do look at the videos coz there are some things to watch out for
And study all sorts of mating patterns and practice them(especially greek gift and Bxh6 sac)
No use playing aggressive openings without knowing mating patterns

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