
Master Thesis on Chess

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Can you elaborate a bit on the required time investment and the research procedure (if it doesn’t give away information you deem sensitive)?
Chess as a stimulus sounds like you need a double blind study with some sample size. An ambitious project as the sample size needs to be quite large so you can ignore other stimuli that might dilute your numbers.
And since this is only a part of the whole project you can guess he got his work cut out for him.

What interests me is how Felipe wants to assess the influence of chess - what the test process looks like, how long the test period is etc.

And as funny as @ CrushAndLaugh‘s answer looks at first glance for some people the reward might be crucial so they are interested in the trustee.
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Not sure about participation as long as I don't get more information.
Isn't there any more info for general?
Since its online (as you said) there should be some website link about it.
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