
Magnus Carlsen Alleged to Have Cheated on Lichess

"Hey it's just a little back-seat-gaming", does'n't hold up at at all. It's not unsolicited because it happens a lot.
Is not gaslighting against the general ethics of the game? Perhaps there should be some governance regarding ethics outside of the chess board. I.e., hostility etc., should be curt-tailed in some fashion. Obviously our "social structure" is failing big time. This is why we need some change.

I think in general we just need a MASSIVE shift to understand that hostility isn't okay, even if it's anonymous. Two things that would make a big difference here are *empowering* the average person, the average player, so they can more wtihstand the idiocies of things like Hikaru's emotional ranting, you basically get a few thousand people into an emotional frenzy, it's very destructive; --

And besides this first thing, just in general, to shift away from hostility in every day actions. -- Of course these are a bit broad, but yeah. I would secondly say that the chess world needs to crack down a little bit harder on this stuff.

And of course for heaven's sake, it is not a "Cheating scandal." Mindless "influencers" just take the most advantageous (i.e., sensational, egregious, non-sensical), titles for their videos and then since it is "framed" that way, news articles and stuff, misname it as well.

Fun fact, Magnus. 2021 is much more recent than 2019.

But in general I think it is just phenomenally astonishing that it could happen a second time. The first time was shameful, absurd, remarkable; the second time was unthinkable. I would encourage people to stand up more strongly against this type of stuff.

And don't laugh of when someone shows a pattern of unaccaptable behavior (Magnus raging.)

This is a long pattern of angry and inappropriate behavior. Without making statements about the maturity of the person doing it -- the behavior itself absolutely shows no emotional maturity. When you compare Grischuk, Shakriyar Mamedyarov, or let's say Aronian or Caruana, none of them are smashing chairs and throwing tantrums when they lose.
@dampooo said in #8:

> You wanted to play the move now you can not play it because it is shouted.

Howell: "Wait, you can trap it."

Carlsen: "How?"

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