
Looking for study/game partner

Hi! Im looking for someone to study chess tactics with, specifically in the 1450-1550 blitz range so we can improve together, and live on the east coast so we can have the same time zone. Please try to be active! If interested, message me.
@eclipsR said in #1:
> Hi! Im looking for someone to study chess tactics with, specifically in the 1450-1550 blitz range so we can improve together, and live on the east coast so we can have the same time zone. Please try to be active! If interested, message me.
will anyone reply here thats actually 1450-1550 blitz...
@eclipsR said in #6:
> will anyone reply here thats actually 1450-1550 blitz...
Why playing with the people which are of your same level?! Try Playing with higher rated people inorder to understand their tactics and moves!
@Peeyush_Sonkar said in #7:
> Why playing with the people which are of your same level?! Try Playing with higher rated people inorder to understand their tactics and moves!

ok in that case ill challenge you in my free time :) thanks for the tip
@eclipsR said in #8:
> ok in that case ill challenge you in my free time :) thanks for the tip
Btw , I'm glad that you're ready to have the tip and to play with me but I can't as it is 12:30 AM here......

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