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@Juhani607 #11

Hmm... This remind me on someting - test for a "true" friendship...

Put 100 or 200 Euros on some quite visible place, but not too obvious (not infront, on a table). Hide camera on some proper place and put it on. Write serial numbers in any case. When your "friend" comes to you, act normally and after some time, find excuse to go from a room (go to bathroom, make a coffie, whatever).

If money vanish, ask your friend is it have exact ammount of money to borrow you. Whatever he respond, show him a video or show him a paper with serial number. If it is not violent, that would be enough, but if it is, better not to play such game with him!

Never had such issues with my own friends, but you cannot be 100% certain to anyone. I have saw this on TV few decades ago, when one politician failed - after that is shown in public, he disappeared from public life.
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This one was pretty stupid, but used any chance to make any benefit for himself, no matter how. But oppotunities in politic are great and millions are in play. Then, would you bent down to take one cent if you find it on the street? This one did, in friends house stoling from him!

I hardly doubt 90% of people will past that test.

As I wrote here in some thread, money is essentially worthless, human life and its values is not. But in recent history, money is "Your God" (one sceene from "They live", by John Carpenter) and primary goal in life (ny side of absolute power) - other is secondary or even marginal...
testing your friends implies mistrust. Better to trust and get over broken trust then not trust in the first place

But if you trust him without reservation and he fail you when it was your only hope, or fail your trust, that scar cannot heals - ever! Then it is much smarter to be reasonable reserved and "test" his "frindship" from time to time. That "test" is sometimes real life need - you count on your friends help.

We have saying, similar to this: "You know who is your friend when you are in trouble!"
Or as Euripides formulated: "Good friends show their love in times of trouble, not just in times of happiness."

There is another related one: "Give him a power and you will see how really person he is!" I doubt you appreciate frienship of a hypocrite.
That's a false dichotomy. Friendship requires nurishing, not testing.

"You know who is your friend when you are in trouble!" Sounds deep, but usually friends should be to enjoy life with, not get you out of your troubles, that is your own burden. Also family, government and professional help are usually better equipped to help if you are in real trouble.

"Good friends show their love in times of trouble, not just in times of happiness." I agree, but that does not imply testing the relationship from time to time.

"Give him a power and you will see how really person he is" Friendship imply equal power levels. If there is a power difference it's hard to be friends. Like with your boss, you can be friendly, but being friends with your boss is possibly counterproductive.

Simple question (rhetorical), hard to answer: Why you find your friends as it?


There is an related thread about losing friend because he is beaten in chess, I have commented as well...

Friendship does not imply equal power levels, it requre equal real human values, which are forgotten long time ago in our society all over the world!

Regarding bosses is usually true. You cannot be friend with someone have big sack of money and "God complex". That is usually called "slavery" nor "cooperation". I did not and do not crawl or bow to anyone, even my existention depend on it - set boundaries at once - zero tolerance on any act of disrespect or mobing, is much better than slavery.

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