
Lichess vs vs chess24 vs nothing

Lichess by far

Premove is the best, and generally the whole thing is better than the rest.

Also nothing is the runner up
lichess, because it's free and open source! and of course it's great because of its lightning speed and clear interface
@Breeze_Bot , you need 0.1 second for premove in but 0.00 seconds in lichess.

I had a game in lichess where I had 0.01 seconds remaining, made 50 premoves and won the game. ( premove 44 to 93)

In general if you have 3-5 seconds remaining in completely winning position, you lose in, but you win in lichess.

And also UI is very smooth in lichess, but in chess
com it usually lag or freeze. Post analysis is also way better in lichess.
Try playing with my connection, and no premove will save you. I see opponent run out of time with 14 seconds on my clock and then I lose. :)
So far I hear the best things about lichess but some people said good things about the other ones too

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