
Levy Rozman is super-smart and very entertaining !

This is the most entertaining video of a Master catching a cheater I have ever seen !

Levy beats a 2650-rated cheater on with the dangerous Hippopotamus Defense.

What is amusing is that Levy predicts literally everything that is going to happen in the game on a move-by-move basis.

I have never seen somebody own a cheater in such a thorough and entertaining way in my life !

Love this.
Levy is very entertaining and I am learning alot from his channel.
Levy on YouTube, entertaining.

Levy on Twitch, unbearable. His attitude and just the way he talks to people when he's all coked up on his stream is the reason pulled him off of ChessTV.

Disclosure: I earned myself a permaban from his Twitch chat by telling him that traffics in hate, and that without his haters, he'd have 1000 followers maximum.

I don't do Twitch, so I am not familiar with the history that you refer to. What did he do on Twitch that was so hateful that you observed ? I am just curious.

He seems pretty reasonable on Youtube.

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