
Kramnik disagrees with so they banned him.

Seems like, and their overlords have now banned one of the greatest chess players of all time. commandments.

1. If thou doesn't agree with, thou shall be punished.
2. If thou questions the judgment of our hand picked experts, then thou shall be punished.
3. If thou does not buy a membership at, then thou is evil.
4. If thou plays on lichess, then thou violates the golden rule of goodness and truth.
5. If thou doesn't kneel before us, and accept us as your overlords and agree that we are perfection in every way imaginable, then thou will be ANNIHILATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

Have a Merry Christmas. From And do not forget to worship us.
I'm not a fan of for many reasons, but, kramnik wasn't muted for disagreeing with them, he was muted for breaking their rules. lichess has similar rules which are enforced all the time.
He was not banned. His blog was disabled for repeatedly violating their TOS.

The only way in which him being "one of the greatest chess players of all time" is relevant is that they let him carry on for so long.

This whole episode is just sad, speaking as someone who used to be a fan. Kramnik is free to publish his criticism anywhere else on the internet, but I hope we can just move on.
this forum is unceasing source of cringe. never disappoints to deliver
Kramnik has fallen so low as to publicly besmirch a 12 year old child.

This destroys his former image as a rational, thoughtful adult.
Imo- it might well be time that some mental health experts, did a personal visit, and checked into his state of mind.
I guess we don't even need experts to state that he's a rock-bottom awful human being and a pathetic narcissist
@Cedur216 said in #8:
> I guess we don't even need experts to state that he's a rock-bottom awful human being and a pathetic narcissist
By comparison to chess.corn's Mangoes, Wrench and Alabaster, Kramnik is a saint, perhaps even an angel. Kramnik has not named anyone, nor released targeted propaganda against anyone, nor published private communications without evidence, neither has he banned titled players without providing evidence, or spread perverse rumours about an adolescent teenager knowing that it is false.
It is difficult to see people who are offended by Kramnik as having any principles when they have ignored everything the chess.corn delinquents have perpetrated. Those people seem like simpletons who spew hatred on whomever they can get away with purely because of popularity.

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