
Knights not visible

I had two games in which black’s knights were not visible... one time it was with my opponent and then with me... is this some kind if glitch that has only happened to me or has anyone else too experienced this?
I've had that happen too. It happens about one out of every 700 games for me, either that, or one of my back rank pieces on the far left side is frozen (i.e. white would be Rook on A1 or Knight on B1 or Black would be Rook on H8 or Knight on G8.) When I say frozen I mean it is stuck for the entire game. This includes if I refresh the page, leave the room and come back, unplug mouses, etc. It's a rare glitch. I play on a PC laptop.

Paul Morphy once offered an opponent rook odds, the opponent didn't accept the handicap, so Morphy beat him without moving the rook, as if he had handicapped.
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