

Of course. Also, if I get it right, the extension you link offers both keyboard support and multipremoves, but you can just use the multipremoves without keyboard? Someone with expertise with that extension should confirm, though.
Regarding #11, while apparently holding down multiple keys doesn't work, the point about the extension choosing a piece for you when many of the same pieces can move to the same square still stands. The extension is not just an input method, but something more than that, since it can sometimes make a decision for you.

And if that's ok, where is the line? What if someone made an extension where one key could correspond to a queen OR a rook, would that be fine? What if someone made an extension that makes the "closest" (by some metric) legal move to whatever illegal move you tried to make?
Keyboard is different from other input methods. All the other ones need two things inputted. Touchscreen needs you to drag, or touch and touch. Mouse, click/drag and drop.

But keyboard needs one or two inputs, depending on what you want to do, if you want a single move, you hold your mouse over a square, and press a key. But if you just want to move one piece for a long time, all you need to do is hold the key down, making it a one input method. Just moving the mouse. To me it seems pretty different from other input methods, currently.
I do not know what to decide .I only use the extension in rapid or classical
i find i t funny some think the actual clip of the game vs bughouseknight is the keyboard extension what makes people faster 😁 anyway not a keyboard fan myself too but what can one do :) i think if one really dislike to face keyboard on should avoid speed games in ultra and also hyper.

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