
I've seen a player rated 2745 in classical!!!

How can this be because the number 1 classical player is Zugswang.TV and rated 2558, while I've seen a russian GM on lichess rated above 2700 and he is not in the top 10 players.
Its due to discrimination of russian GMs :) or his rating is provisional/he played insufficient amount of games, marked "?".
The leaderboards only show recently active players. So maybe there is somebody with a rating of 2745 in classical, but if they haven't played recently (I think it's something like a week or two) then they won't show up on the leaderboard at all.
also, GM Wolverines1 is rated 2578 classical but the highest player on the leaderboard is 2558 and this hasn't got a provisional ranking and is today
Yes, GM Wolverines1 is rated 2578 classical but he hasn't played classical since March 8 which was more than 1-2 weeks ago. So it doesn't show him on leaderboards.
he is not provisional I see too 2745! ( but not playing games at this week)
only 1 player

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