
it's impossible for me to go above 31 in puzzle rush

It's as if I've hit a wall that can't be surpassed. I've tried for the last 2 hours and i haven't done a thing other than wasted time and made zero progress.

And I just too stupid to get past 31?

I get to about 18-19 by 1:30 left and then I screw up then just resign because I've now lost over a minute in potential time.
Practice more puzzles, just practice more and you will get better. Also puzzle storm depends on mouse speed as well
@A_0123456 It's all about getting the tactics right. Every missed puzzle takes away 10 seconds, so that's not something you want. I actually prefer to not rush the puzzles and worry about my score... that's how I got 36
The trick is to do puzzles without time limit, carefully calculating the lines, until you are good enough to do it intuitively. Puzzle Rush in my opinion is a fun toy but does not improve one's chess.

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