
Is it possible for the checkmating side score lower on computer analysis?

No WAY!!! The title was "Is it possible for the checkmating side score lower on computer analysis?" Translated into dinglish:"can I win when pause and botplay and lower evaluation?" The answer is ... TADADADA yes, timeout and disconnect #
CM Sarg0n's reply was funny. It looks a little bit like the pretend chess we can see in some movies. Actually made me laugh. Probably the nerdiest thing I've ever laughed at.

Funnily enough, while the winning side loses in "centipawn loss", they're drawn in everything else, and committed ZERO inaccuracies!

The "learn from your mistakes" made me laugh idiotically like a one-man version of MTV's "Beavis and Butthead", but focusing on chess rather than sex innuendos, for some reason.

But Koelschlenny's answer is pretty much what I was wondering if was possible, I find it particularly interesting as it's a plausible "realistic" amateur game, however unlikely. My guess was that it was likely that neither was possible, or only in a totally absurdly artificial game, like CM Sarg0n's.

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