
Is working for you, guys?

I can't use nxt.chessbomb site; there;s "Not authorized" message. Anyone has same issue?
lol, there is nothing outside colum's arss.
lol, "we created hitti" --- chomsky.
hi siamese, yes... chesscom killed chessbomb. :-( .. i hope to catch most of us lurking on lichess...
What a pity. I miss Rhine's logorrhea. The world will not be the same without chessbomb chat. Stay safe, chessbombers.
It was over anyway, this was the coup de grâce. Rhinegold will have to take it back to the subway walls.
hello no nxt.chesobmb;com not wokring for me it say sutpid mesage not authorized how i can see world hcampiknship match now pleas tell me ok thnak you so much bye now need to go see cosutimer bye ok bye

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