
is a rematch in <=3 min games good sportsmanship?

Thanks for your opinion and your thoughts @DrZwischenzug, @shadow1414, @Yuno_Me and @myethicalcodesays.
I knew that there is no written rule and no strong obligation to rematch if the looser asks for. Accept. I still believe that in chess like in all other sports there are unwritten rules, an etiquette to distinguish the good from the great. To my mind calling someone a coward is no more unpolite then to decline rematch. Everyone has these 5 min to give revenge.
I gave and will give everyone who is asking for at least one revenge. I will stop calling the cowards cowards.
Calling the person a coward because they refuse to accept a rematch is rude to say the least. No one is required to offer you a rematch simply because you lost and you probably feel that you are the better player. If the person turns down the offer, just play someone else.

Sometimes I will play someone again regardless of the result if the game was well played on both our parts. I enjoy playing people who have a similar understanding as myself since it forces me to play as well as I am currently capable of given my limited understanding. I know that I have to focus and if I am able to do so, the result should hopefully be favorable.
You are not entitled to other people's time. Stop harassing people after you lose.
Of course is it good sportmanships to accept one rematch. We are no not talking rights or obligations. There is no obligation to do so and noone is entitle to demand a certain behaviour from other or their time. That said, yes, accepting one rematch is good sportmanships. Playing one game, winning and disappering without giving notice is completely legal yet extremely low sportmanships. If you got time for a blitz game, you will very likely have time for a second. If not, just refuse, say goodbye, make this site a nicer place. Otherwise it just feels like people here are exclusively playing to boost the elo, use some funny gambit which doesn't work twice. All this things are completely legal, yet understanbly very irritating.

That said, calling someone a coward is even worse.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you win a game and run away just because you are in for a game or are you speculating with opening tricks to gain some elo?
A good sportsmanship accepts he has been defeated the first time. The second one is not for sportsmanship, its for revenge.

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