
Is 100 PC accuracy possible?

My best is 3 acpl and 99pc. in 53 move game and I've got several games at 98 PC. 0-0-0 games but I just can't seem to hit 100pc. accuracy.
Have you ever hit 100pc ?
Such a thing seems to depend more upon your opponent (I wouldn't grant too much importance to it).
Yeah,you are right. Still it is nice to see you didn't screw up.
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> Such a thing seems to depend more upon your opponent (I wouldn't grant too much importance to it).

Yeah agreed , but not joking but some of my new students don't even see a mate .
I just wanna say not only the opponent but the player himself also see that
I have one game like this with 24 moves done. Just to mention, that my opponent blundered and gave me a queen for free on his second move. Anyway, i dont know why there is 100 % accuracy from my game...
I've brought it here only to show, that it is possible to get 100 % accuracy... but only against very week players, of course.

Fast mate test for this post...
Chapter 1: Don't pick best engine moves and the accuracy is at 65% for white.
Chapter 2: Give white the best engine moves and you get 100% accuracy for white.

The opponent with best blunders to end the game in 2 moves still gets 37% Accuracy.

I think the 37% accuracy should be 0%, why is it not zero for black ?
100% accuracy means that you must have a zero centipawn loss (at least for moves within -10/+10 evaluation - lichess ignores eval moves outside that range). This is not the same as always making the top engine move, as the engine still might give a lower evaluation after making its top move - because it searches to a different depth, or searches a different line, etc.
I've had many 100% accuracy games in antichess when my opponent was white and started 1 e4 which is a forced win for black that most anti-chess players (including myself) would know how to execute.

In standard chess, you may think that the longer the game, the more mistakes you're going to make, so your accuracy will be lower, but it's a percentage and a long game that is dead-drawn for ages (especially if someone is going for the 50-move rule) could have a very high accuracy percentage (all of the last 50 moves are perfect enough if they don't change the status quo).
It's possible, but I've only ever had once in anti.

Highest I've got in standard is 0,0,0 98, multiple times, and I have seen a legit player get 99 but never 100.

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