
I reached 1900 in blitz, is it good?

Hi my friends, i reached 1900 in blitz, i still suck at chess, but i sucked even more about a year ago.

can you tell me where do i need to improve most?

what do i need to reach 2000

1900 Blitz is within the top 15% of players here on Lichess, which is pretty good.

It's hard to tell where you need to improve without digging in to a lot of your games in detail. FWIW, I'm at a similar rating level to you and I know my biggest weakness is endgames. E.g. converting something like Bishop + 4 pawns vs. Knight + 3 pawns... should be theoretically winning, but I have a tendency to lose more often than I really should in these sorts of positions.

look my young man I am no chess expert but I can advise you to train a lot of tactics and study chess games so you will reach the 2000 rating

If you look at your chess insights, it will tell where you should improve
What MightyMouse27 said.

You'll learn if you're better with B or N.
You'll learn if you're better playing against B or N.
You'll learn your most effective openings.
You'll learn your least effective openings.

I know this small list, by itself, seems extensive and competent...but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Just click on your profile at the top right of the screen:

Then click on the 'Chess Insights' button:

And away you go!

Happy studying!

1700- to 2250 here in 1 year. Solve tactics... Like a lot. New ones, hard ones, easy ones, old ones, puzzle rush, studies etc.

And watch videos on openings,
"what do i need to reach 2000?"

Exercise tactics. The more the better. Your attitude is going to change, if you play a chess game. You are going to look at each position as a tactics puzzle. You will change your plans. You will fight for tactical solutions. You will hate draws.

Exercise basic endgames. With 2000 and more you will reach endgames that you will be able to win.

Do not waste your time with studying openings in detail. Understand the principles.

Play blitz with high concentration on winning the game. Stop it, if you cannot concentrate.

Use "chess insights" at your lichess profile. Your target: Try to avoid blunders.
@Kusokosla: in blitz you are at 2100. Bullet is nice, but it is no real chess. ;-)
I think videos are boring. A lot of breaks and blabla ...
I would really advise you to play real tournaments with long time control, because it's easy to play on a virtual board, but on a real board against a real opponent is much harder, because you will suffer a lot more from mental pressure.
Also i would advise you not to care much about your blitz and bullet rating. When i started playing chess, someone told me the art in a chess game is to understand a position in every detail, but this is not possible in short time-control. (You will see what i mean when you look at my Rapid rating compared to my Bullet rating. My problem now is, that i'm extremely bad in short time-control.)

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