
I reached 10k Games On Lichess!

Nice! You reached 10000 games really fast. But I suggest you play longer time controls, that will make it harder for you to reach your next milestone.
wow you did reach 10k games i can't do that that me like one whole year to hit it because i only less amount of games per day
up to 56 or something but how did you reach that much of games like for me to reach 200k games it will take me one month or
whole year how did you do it can you tell me please
@shreevatsag55 I basically played A lot of Shorter time controls like bullet, ultra bullet and blitz. However, if you Want to improve your chess more, then I suggest to play Blitz and Classical
@simba4477 your achievement is great appreciate it. But Play rapid a bit more and classical too. Plus you are a very strong player I can see your ratings are 2200 so you are a strong player.

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