
I need a playing partner for rapid on

I am a national master and have unfortunately hit a chess plateau. I am looking for someone willing to play me in longer rapid TCs. Preferably 15+10 or 30 mts or above. Please be around the 2100 rapid range. or 2300 lichess range. Thank you guys.
@Mystic-Dragon said in #6:
> Yeah this is kind of a desperate attempt to find someone decent to play
I’m assuming in your original post you meant to play and analyze and study together. Unless this is the case then you can find games to play easily in the lobby.
@the_puzzles said in #7:
> I’m assuming in your original post you meant to play and analyze and study together. Unless this is the case then you can find games to play easily in the lobby.

I don't really like the playing style of lichess. for some reason it causes me to play worse then i already do. I would create a post just like this on, but my account is muted
@Mystic-Dragon said in #8:
> I don't really like the playing style of lichess. for some reason it causes me to play worse then i already do. I would create a post just like this on, but my account is muted
Lol for me it’s the opposite, i play better on lichess

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