
I can't sleep: I dream of my opponent rooks on the 2nd rank ^^

Hi all,

i just wanted to play 2 or 3 games for fun before sleeping. I had an amazing 3-0 lost. And the games made me a strong impression.

Honestly I am a e4 player but I just wanted to have and try some quiet d4 opening before sleeping ... => Traumatized ^^ => nice check mate time to sleep ^^

But I can't ^^

First thoughts:

I felt a bit lost after some moves compared to my opponents who played very quickly the middle game. I was analysing the position and discovering a bit what was going on and they were to me in try hard mode

Time trouble was deadly. I did not have some really bad position but I had to find the proper answer and things went so quickly wrong ... I was kinda surprise for what seem to me a quiet d4 opening

Does it happen sometimes to you that you are overthinking stuff and in the end you opponent plays simple chess and win ? move 8 f3 to block his knight and bishop but e4 easier move 21 not really to win the rook but more to gain a tempo and aim at c5 and his backward pawn. His 21 rook c2 completely surprise me. I felt that he just saw that he can attack the queen so he did it !!! He played it in 1 second ... It took my completely off guard I was like oh man. Ok so perhaps maintaining the pressure and the rook then exchanging the bishop so boom blunder I played Qb3 game over he double the rooks

The Last but not least I was a bit chocked to lose against some player really weaker than me in term of elo in that way (Game 2) and the other were at my level but as I was going into their domain I felt like a toy for them ^^. Perhaps I have to discover the all new world of D4 ^^

TY for taking some time reading my night thought

Good night
Sleep deprivation definetely impacts your thinking and problem solving ability. If I were you I'd make sure you are fully awake when playing if you don't want to loose rating points unecessariy.
@judeeeeee here on lichess I was 1700+ few weeks ago! The first symptom are the blunders, then forcing the mind not to let the opponent checkmate in 1, I start losing each of the games by time. Sometimes my opponent had 2min aon clock and I just 20 seconds lol. Sleep deprivation can be more subtler than my example, so it's good to be sure of physical condition, otherwise frustration can affect confidence. Some people tilt a lot on this and stop play chesss, stop study chess, etc..

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