
I can always tell when someone is cheating

they wait too ling for their phone to tell them what moves to make
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I've noticed this too. Sometimes people take days to make a single move. No doubt they go to CERN to use the super computers there. I mean... How else could any one beat me? That's why I don't play correspondence here. And don't get me started on Ling...
Ling Ling was a male panda with a complex. Translated Ling Ling means "darling little girl."

He has been dead for a while and likely is not making any moves.
A ling ling time ago when Ling Ling was a thing he liked to sing on his swing. I read it on Bing. #ling
Very respectfully, no you can't always tell. You can have suspicions, but one factor alone isn't enough to know someone is cheating.

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