
I am 2000+ but still feel bad, how can i improve?

Hi i always had a dream to be over 2000.
A year ago i was 1600 in blitz, now i am 2100+
In a rapid chess i went from 1870 to 2050 in a year

I always wanted to be above 2000, it was one of my goals, i looked at 2000s as a gods, but now i am one of them but i feel like i am still bad, i make bad mistakes and sometimes i can not punish my opponents, i don't even know how i improved.

i want to be 2200 in a rapid, can you tell me where i am the weakest?
where should i improve?
In some games you play too fast for the time control.
If two evenly matched opponents play, then he who thinks longer wins. You can always speed up towards the end of the game.
You also seem to miss some tactical and strategical awareness.
In the next game you were totally winning, two pawns up for nearly no compensation. So you should think carefully about how to consolidate. You had ample time, but you let him off the hook.
Improvement is an illusion :)
It doesnt matter how "high" you get, there will always be people better than you!
Also, doesnt matter how "strong" you are, you will always make mistakes about which you will feel they are unacceptable for your current level.
Chess is about to enjoy the journey, or how we germans say: "Der Weg ist das Ziel".

To your question:
You went from 1600 to 2100+ in one year; what can I advice you - that is very big progress, so you are on the right way.
Play with increment/more blitz, less bullet and figure out at what point of the game you are struggling.

Edit: stop giving me such hard CAPTCHAS here!
Technically there doesn't have to be someone better then you:

… Go for world champion!
I would say maybe try to pin down what parts of the game you struggle with and order a book on the subject. In my case I noticed I lost almost every queen endgame I played. I realized I struggled with the multiple checks and comboes and the often weak king position + the possibility of three reps all over the place. I needed help. Can you identify any part of the game you notice you lose more often than not? Also general confusion is also a good sign of you needing to improve.

Also: Congratulations on your improvement! Very good. I would say from 2000+ it gets harder to improve because the competitors also care as much as you do to win and improve. General advice is to slow down, play longer games and try to analyse your losses.
No, guys don't get me wrong, i appreciate progress, but i just thought it would be different, i thought i would not make blunders anymore :D

as @tpr showed i lost a completely won game.

yes, my tactics are not that strong, i need to take a lot of time to calculate, i train tactics but still suck at them

yes it gets really hard, seems like they also want to win so much :D
i do not play blitz anymore, i play bullet for fun, but much less than before, i enjoy rapid chess the most.

I am not really sure when i lose mostly, i do not know

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