
How to stop playing bullet and blitz

Recently, I played a game in a classical tournament and it hit me that my classical is crap and I need to work on it. Playing blitz and bullet has really hampered this, partly because:
a) i have lots of friends that play it, and they appear to be getting better, even though it doesn't improve classical and rapid or in general
b) many teams i'm in (or used to be in) do not offer classical tournaments and i have to play in the blitz tournaments. if i try to leave the team, people get offended and call me a loser and stuff, and i understand their feelings but i just don't want to get 300 messages every day "join the blitz battle now"
c) it's just addicting
How to stop? Pweez gib dis horsi sum adwize
DOn't join the tournament stop playing blitz and bullet
@kertandidi said (#1):
> if i try to leave the team, people get offended and call me a loser

This is probably not the answer you expected but: this should be even more reason to leave the team for good. People who can only refrain from calling you "loser and stuff" because you are on their team aren't worth this honour anyway.

> I just don't want to get 300 messages every day "join the blitz battle now"

Second, there is always the option to turn off the team messages. The little slide control isn't that hard to operate, no?

Having said this: Blitz is good for building up routine, but bad if you overdo it. If you get used to constantly playing blitz you develop the habit of going with the first halfways plausible idea. I know what i talk about, because this is what happened to an aspiring young chess player named krasnaya, who would have surely risen to the level of utmost patzerdom if not for his tragic infatuation with a form of chess, where body control and mouse movement skills are worth more than actual chess knowledge. Instead of training his chess he perfected his movement technique to an exquisitely fluid motion, which made him very fast, but at the same time made his chess even more insufferable than it was before.

So, set yourself a goal, like "no more than 5 blitz games a day", and spend the rest of the time perfecting your chess skills.

Blitz and Bullet are absolutely addicting - you play a game, win, get a few rating points, are rewarded with a dopamine high, and look to engage in another cycle. You train your brain to look for dopamine kibbles.

Now the thing is with Blitz and Bullet, the reward is rather... shallow. You get the win, points, and a momentary high that asks for more. With longer games, since you're more invested in the actual gameplay than just the result, the game is much more fulfilling and rewarding in terms of knowledge gain and the emotional investment in puzzling through the challenge. Ask a player about a blitz game from two months ago, and they likely won't remember. Ask about a classical game from two months ago, and they'll probably have at least something to say about the game.

I agree with @krasnaya about setting goals. You can start with a small change, and then adjust the goal every week or two. The wonderful thing about the human mind is that it is fully trainable if you really want something, as you are a self aware individual. In the way that our thoughts drive our behaviours, so to can our behaviours drive our thoughts. It's a matter of making a choice.

As for your "friends" that are calling you loser if you try to leave, here's a life tip to take to heart -> there is only one person's opinion of yourself that matters and there is only one person in this world that you ever have to answer to. :)
I have a different approach to the question. If you really want to quit bullet + blitz, you can try and play lots for a few days. 50+ bullet games in a row would certainly make you feel slightly mentally drained and tilted if you had chosen to play rated games. Speaking from personal experience, it would be unlikely that you will wanna play those time controls anytime soon if you continue the process for a couple of days ;)

I second #2 and #3! Very well said ;)

Every team wants members. I bet if you actually leave those teams, the leaders would soon beg you to join again.
“and i understand their feelings but i just don't want to get 300 messages every day”- Perhaps they would be ‘upset’ if you leave their team but that does not give them the rights to call you a loser. Team leaders who actually care about their members would never say such things! If you get that sort of messages from people in the future, I suggest you ether block them, ignore (if you really want to stay in the team) or troll back. LOL...
By good thinking, think what it is a minute worth
how much will it take you to think a difficult position
to resolve it withoth stress, 5 minutes at least and deep analysis can be half an hour, so a minute it's about drinking a glass of water, you move in the chair you lose 10 seconds so blitz chess, 3 minutes chess its automatic chess by definition, no relevant ideas no new ideas no analysis of lines, maybe bad analysis is worse than no analysis at all.
So why is blitz played?
Well it's a misconception, it is to make the game of chess that by definition it is a long game into a rush, because a normal game of chess lasts half an hour or an hour at least because It is multiplied by 2.
15 minutes each side gives you 30 minutes of a game, you play 40 moves or 50 moves with 16 pieces against 16 pieces, if you use less than 16 minutes for each side you are nuts a minute by a piece at least.
So what does it happen?
Lack of patience as simple as that

Blitz is for titled players to test ideas with quick
thoughts maybe but It is not my problem whether
they agree or not as they have more memory
opening knowledge, tactical ability and chess
experience, It could work for them fischer
disliked blitz.
u guys writing such a big write up

im gonna say force urself not to play blitz and bullet .

Throw ur phone and break it into pieces. U will not be able to play blitz or bullet.
@MohammadAayanKhan That won't work, since I use my computer. Plus, I can't break my computer because I use it for schoolwork. Maybe I should just cut off my hands, then I can't touch the keyboard and have someone else input moves for me- then I will be forced to play slowly.
"I have lots of friends that play it, and they appear to be getting better, even though it doesn't improve classical and rapid or in general"

Actually, even I kept getting better playing blitz and Bullet and didn't hamper my rapid and classical too much.But here's the thing: Your friends and I won't go as far as we should have had we played and focused on longer time controls. In the sense that we won't reach the zenith of our chess improvement by playing blitz and Bullet.

Your decision to play classical is correct.If you can't entirely avoid blitz and Bullet, try to keep the limit to a very small amount per day (try to avoid bullet totally, you can play blitz from time to time)

Btw...Don't hinder Your chess improvement by what others say.Do what is right and necessary.Today they'll call you a loser but when you come back stronger than them , they won't talk.

Switching to Classical or rapid isn't enough alone.Train tactics everyday.Analyze your games especially the lost ones. Study the endgame.

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