
How to install a BOT on Lichess?

also make sure that line 6 and 7 is indented the same way like line 4 and 5.

Actually i am not sure if that is an error but i think the yml format is dependent on correct indentation.
Also make sure you're not mixing spaces and tabs (in either the YAML or Python).

Just use spaces. (Never use the tab character, `\t`)
@nh78 #71 -- Yes, it is.

>> "Actually i am not sure if that is an error but i think the yml format is dependent on correct indentation."

Both YAML and Python will have problems with mixed tab/space indentation. Needs to be consistent. (Down-side of duck-typing.)
Yes, I didn't use tabs, I just downloaded it from GitHub and replaced it with necessary names.
Also, in theory, quoting something like YAML is irrelevant if the language receiving whatever parsed YAML is properly handled (i.e. casted to INT or FLOAT or STRING instead of lazy interpretation).

Sorry, I haven't audited the code, just replying off-the-cuff. Sounds like the YAML parameters are not being passed back and forth property (poor Python development, IMO).

Normally, when I do this kind of stuff, I provided EXPLICIT error messages when something doesn't CAST to the proper or expected form using either ENUMS or LISTS of possible values.
i checked this again, seems that inside of { and } ','s are needed, because that is the inline format. Please try to replace the engine block with
@nh78, now it doesn't write anything, simply goes to a new command line, but the bot doesn't play.
But cd was set to difault, if I set it to E:\chess\lichess-uci-bot, then same errors appear.

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