
How to calculate FIDE rating?

If someone has 2000 Lichess rating then what FIDE rating they estimate
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Little precision for the first estimation

2000 Lichess Rapid = 1695 FIDE rapid
2000 Lichess Blitz = 1855 FIDE blitz

if it means anything...
@TheKingClash said in #4:
> For players 1800 - 2000 Lichess:
> Lichess rapid X 0.89 - 65 = FIDE
> Lichess blitz X 0.96 - 65 = FIDE
> If the second-to-last digit of the player's rating is 8 or more, and the hundreds digit is odd, round up to the nearest hundred.
> For players 1600 - 1800 Lichess, subtract 95 instead of 65
> For players 1400 - 1600 Lichess, subtract 125 instead of 65
> For players 1200 - 1400 Lichess, subtract 125 instead of 65
> For players 1000 - 1200 Lichess, subtract 95 instead of 65
> For players 800 - 1000 Lichess, subtract 65 instead of 65
> For players 600 - 800 Lichess, subtract 55 instead of 65
> For players 2000 - 2200 Lichess, subtract 55 instead of 65
> For players 2200 - 2400 Lichess, subtract 50 instead of 65
> For players 2400 - 3000 Lichess, subtract 45 instead of 65


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