
How Do You Feel About Opponents that Abandon Games?

Personally, I feel it's better than them resigning. I take pleasure in knowing they are so frustrated and demobilized that they have to run away without even a gg or auto-response and are left speechless by my play. And I also would wager that they will never be a well rounded chess player. It says so much about a persons character in life by the way they handle themselves anonymously over a chess game.
#1: I Think It Is Rather: Annoying - Unnecesary - Poor-Sportsmanship - Reportable - And Shows Signs Of Bad-Parenting.
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In frecuently asked questions you can see that if is doing it all the time lichess report him/her.
The inability to not only show respect for your opponents nor any appreciation of what they bring to the chessboard is the hallmark of a loser.
Winners have and show respect for their opponents before, during, and after the game. Just my opinion.
I generally just block them, unless it seems likely that they really lost connection.
I think they’re just sad people. That’s being nice. It happened to me yet again at the weekend. Just resign for pete’s sake.
Free rating. I dont care, i just open another tab and watch a video. Lichess tracks them itself. Eventually will give a warning or a ban if they continue the behavior.

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