
And look at that, not just a little bit higher a LOT higher performance was awarded to him. And i even had a higher win rate.
Is today backwards day?
Come on bruh, don't give up. You can win next time.
@comeonbruhdontgiveup said in #1:
> How does that guy get a higher tournament performance than me? With all his 2's and 0's , against my stack of 4's ?
you had a much lower Avg opponent rating( 1581 vs 1368), but only a slightly higher win rate (73% vs 75%)
now tell me, would it make sense to put someone with a slightly higher win rate against 1400's or someone with a slightly lower win rate against 1600'?
I understand what you guys are saying but I think win / loss should be given greater weight because that's actually performance. That's actually something you control. Who you're paired against is just luck. Is it more fair that the winner of a tournament is decided based on dumb luck or actions?
If a player wins against higher rated than lower rated then he should get more performance cause it is more difficult to win against higher rated player. So, it's no luck at all, it's purely based on how one plays.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #8:
> @comeonbruhdontgiveup
> If a player wins against higher rated than lower rated then he should get more performance cause it is more difficult to win against higher rated player. So, it's no luck at all, it's purely based on how one plays.

You're forgetting that in order to win against a higher rated player you first must be matched with one. Luck.
Against players rated over 1500, you have one win, one draw and one loss. If you were matched with much higher rated players there's no evidence that you'd win. On the other hand, the person who finished first won all 4 games against players rated over 1600.

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