

I've been stuck in the 1700s for a year now so how can i improve. I've tried everything you might recomend so please high rated things that work.
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I'd recommend watching YouTube videos from Chess Vibes as a start. Those videos have lots of great specifics that will give quick practical advice on things you might not otherwise consider important, but that can make a big difference (blockading pawns to prevent opponent's development, types of checkmates to look for, how not to blunder, etc). Also, I'd advise not making a specific rating your goal; make learning and fun your goal, and rating will come along naturally. Another important thing to improve your play, especially when you start with specific openings is analyzing your game (Analyze game button after a game) and finding what moves you or your opponent could have done better throughout the game so you can capitalize in the future with that knowledge, especially for games lost.
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@AdhvikManoj said in #1:
> I've been stuck in the 1700s for a year now so how can i improve. I've tried everything you might recomend so please high rated things that work.

There are plenty of online chess resources. Some of them require you to pay for their services. So the question is, how serious are you about improving your chess? Serious enough to invest in your chess, or not? That is the question.
@AdhvikManoj said in #8:
> A nine year old cant invest @Le_Patzer83

Ask your parents. Maybe have them help you with this on your birthday or something. Plus at 9 years old you are in a perfect position to absorb information, so devour all the information you can and also take advantage of free products. For example, puzzle storm is great, as well as the regular puzzles on here and anything else that will allow you to sharpen your tactics. Most kids that I get paired against at local over the board tournaments are very good at tactics. Jump headfirst into this practical learning while you are at an age where you can see huge improvements in short periods of time. Also play in as many over the board tournaments as possible.
"I've tried everything you might recommend"

Looks like you're really stuck then!

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