
Female World Classical Chess Champion

After the fading of GM Judith Polgar, there's no promising female chess player to become World Champion. I still believe it's possible to have the First Female World Chess Champion before 2050. The tools are available. Chessbase, Coaches, Online Chess, OTB tournaments. Laslo Polgar isn't the only person who dream his daughter achieve chess greatness. Happy Weekend!
What’s the obsession with having a female world champion? The WC is whoever the best player is. Accept that!
Best female parent in the world

I still believe that after the disaster called 'the 90's', females all over the world can still be great mothers, cooks, wifes. - It's not degrading, it's natural, and it's extremely important for the well being of the world's society - which is based on having a healthy functioning family. - I believe trying to push women into being 'just as good as men' - encouraging them to work all the time instead of building a family, is harmful for them, and for anyone else besides them.

Women aren't oppressed, and aren't considered 'stupid', and aren't 'just as good as men'. - They are the other side of the coin. We're all halfs - male halfs and female halfs.

Women are less in chess because, very simply - they mostly aren't interested in it. - they do have the brain, but they don't have the will, they don't have the natural technical skill of a man (imagine a woman holding a screwdriver and a hammer..), they aren't all That competitive, and, thankfully, since they raise babies, they aren't all that violent. They also aren't usually tend to get too far with things that aren't important - like chess - which is after all a board game. they don't like to watch soccer, they usually aren't very funny, they are better at dressing, cleaning, and aesthetics in general (even a 70 years old lady is taking care of her hair up to a certain extent. while a 30 years old man couldn't care less for his hair). women expose they're body parts (even at a very young age), men don't. Women's violence rarely become physical, they're better at talking. - men and women are different, they complete each other because of it, and they have different roles in life because of it. - there's no oppression of women, blacks, and gays, anywhere - it's just an excuse that the communists who control the media world wide, are using, in order to be in power. - have you noticed that the media is always showing the same messages for 70 years? the presidents are being replaced once every 4 years. so who's in charge?

Women succeed less at certain thing because - they are naturally less good at them. - If it's something physical, people understand. If it's something else - people get confused - seeking for a hidden conspiracy / injustice.

What is the woman's role in life?
1. She has a womb, and breasts.
2. She has fondness and mercy for little creatures.
3. She's physically weaker and smaller then the man.
4. She's less technical
5. etc, see above.

Conclusion: She should be at a workplace! Doesn't fit for a factory? We'll twist the factories to fit the women by making up strange laws based on a claim of "women's depression" - which no one has actually proven, but T.V. spoke about it for years - so it's a reality.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Na*i Joseph Goebbels.

This is what happens today - the media is: propaganda, commericals, and even some shows (which are full of said propaganda).
@ryan121 said in #1:
> After the fading of GM Judith Polgar, there's no promising female chess player to become World Champion. I still believe it's possible to have the First Female World Chess Champion before 2050. The tools are available. Chessbase, Coaches, Online Chess, OTB tournaments. Laslo Polgar isn't the only person who dream his daughter achieve chess greatness. Happy Weekend!

Maybe it will be more likely when several 2600 level female GMs are reached together in one era. These ladies will be encouraged to press toward the top level by having one another as female peers. Currently there is only Yifan and 1 or 2 more. Yifan has a career outside of chess.
@ryan121 said in #1:
> After the fading of GM Judith Polgar, there's no promising female chess player to become World Champion.

Hou Yifan was the champion and much stronger than Polgar ever was. Yifan stepped away from the chess scene and hasn't done much recently, but she could come back. I doubt Polgar will. She is better off telling stories like a grandmother alongside grandpa Seirawan.
I'm looking for an attractive woman on Lichess to repeat the Polgar experiment. Let's make the first female chess world champion.
@WorldRenownPatzer said in #5:
> Hou Yifan was the champion and much stronger than Polgar ever was. Yifan stepped away from the chess scene and hasn't done much recently, but she could come back. I doubt Polgar will. She is better off telling stories like a grandmother alongside grandpa Seirawan.

Susan Polgar and Judit Polgar continue to contribute to chess, Susan through her coaching, and Judit through her exceptional game commentation and work with organizations.
I lost counts of how many bullshit are told in #3.
After Judith Polgar, the best of the lot is Hou Yifan. But I would like chess to expand in women circle and there would be Women Chess Champions in future!
Maybe women are smarter and figured long ago than there's more to life than pushing wood pieces over a board.

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