
Favorite opening?

my favorite opening in standard chess is e4

1) you could checkmate the barber

2) because in my opinion it is an advantageous move

instead in antichess my favorite opening is e3 but there is no valid reason.(if I have white),

if I have black instead I usually do e5 in standard chess, and they are the reasons above, and in antichess if I am with black I do, either e5 or d5, to get the bishops out, thanks I think this is my favorite topic, @angladesGM
yours instead, you wrote the question but did not answer. thank you
@V-hs-2010 The Ruy Lopez, the end game makes it so easy and especially if someone is not studied up on it you already will have an end game in your favor but if they do not know the opening you can have an instant advantage in the opening to middle leading to no need for an end game.
White : Italian
Black : Sicilan

White: Queens' Gambit
Black: Kings' Indian Defense or QGD

and I don't play 1.c4 but I counter it with the Symmetrical set up
Interesting fact : there are over 1000 different chess Openings and Variations,
Do you ever consider trying these?
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. Bc4 Bc5
4. b3 Nf6
5. c3 O-O
6. Bb2

Idk what its called but that's my favorite

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