
Evans Gambit is very good.

Yea the fried liver is very good and I actually know a lot about the jerome lol but its not "good".
well, it's not played at the very top level, but we shouldn't worry about that. Many strong players use it from time to time as a surprise weapon. it's very sharp and crazy, check out some really old master games, like Paul Morphy's, where they sac tons of material and checkmate under 20 moves. not my style of chess, but it's very impressive and one can learn a lot about initiative and development
Everybody at some point gets hung up on the Fried Liver. Then eventually they move on.
yeah........i hate fried gets so tough and dry.......and once people know how to defend it, it seems pretty pointless... i GUESS it's like the petrov, which isn't a gambit. but if people 'fall' for the petrov, it can be disasterous. if they know it, it seems kind of boring... maybe i need to look at more lines on the petrof....
I love the King's Gambit, y'all get lazy thinking the King's Gambit is a bad and unsound opening, and then I checkmate you, because you're not paying enough attention.
@bruhmomentum2007 trying out Benko is a good idea but if sharp games is what you want probably not your 1st choice. Benko gambit is more of positional. if understand correctly Benko is about getting good pawn structure, making difficult to develop f1 bishop and long lasting pressure on half open lines a and b. also strong bishop on long diagonal. BUT a,b halp open lines also mean that white has a passer. So it will lead some long maneuvering at first. strong attacks do show up but after some buildup
@PowerfullKris15 i just hate going thru vanilla versions of the italian and petrof for the 1/4 chance that my opponent doesn't no the fried liver or petrof respectively.... i hate the italian, is about it, and everyone plays it. i try to never play it, and if my opponent decies to go for the ragu, i'll do dumb things (currently some sort of crazy gambit) to just get out of it. i don't care that much for liver, either.... a 1/4 chance you'll obliterate someone..........actually, most no the correct petrof replies....

but as white i will play the scotch, which precludes the ragu, and you get to lead black on a trail of breadcrumbs with c3 offering a free pawn, and also offering the pawn on b2 and you will have both bishops out... it's the goring gambit. it's like the danish gambit.
Have you looked at the open lines in the Italian with an immediate c3 and d4? Either the original Greco Gambit / Moller Attack or the modern line with the e5 push. They might be good if you like an open centre and rapid development rather than slow-burn shuffly manoeuvring around closed pawn structures.
@RamblinDave yeah... i think our posts crossed, if you were referring to my #18. i just get bored to tears with the shuffling around of the italian, the preventative pawns in the a and h files... the endless bishop pins... jeezus. i think i'll just start resigning when faced with that. i'll have to look at the e5 push......

wow, this capcha was so hard i simply guessed twice at it...........

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