
Encouraging Weaker Players

I just wanted to let people know that not everyone at or above 2000 is a jerk. There are those of us who very much enjoy encouraging beginners to learn and play better. We were all beginners at one time too. It takes time and a lot of practice, but I think anyone can reach 2000 if they can devote enough time to it. Good luck all of you, and ignore the haters.
Im above 2000 (only in rapid so maybe i dont count) And i am not a jerk and try to encourage beginers to do better
I am above 2000 in all areas as well as otb. I agree, we should help all learn as much as possible. We over 2000 more than likely love and a little addicted to the game. Best to all.
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A lot of players make remarks too for fun and entertainment...not seriously.
After all, every GM was once a beginner.
And it's not over until it's over.
So, never give up!

@Le_Patzer83 said in #1:
> and ignore the haters.
The more haters one acquires, the more strengthened one becomes. An indirect method to check one's strength in terms of competition.
The worst are those "good game, well played" people, some of those bastards even have it on auto.

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