
Donation,status and goal of

Hi thibault
-Can will I donate in future?
I think that is good Idea to have that possibility because You are nice guy and You can to make next great site,
-Why this site has .org like at end of name?
-Is non profit institution also?
-What is goal of this project?
-Can We help to translate this site?
Thank You for your great job and all goodness for You
You'll need to ask the guy who is making it. It's not a lichess project.
Hi rzenaikrzys,

I'm the programmer of lidraughts, you can also find me as roepstoep on lidraughts and discord. The only goal behind is to make a nice place where people can play draughts online!

We just launched the website, so haven't really thought about donations yet. We might consider adding a patron system like lichess has in the future.

We would like to make available in as many languages as possible as well, and any help would surely be welcome. We will set that up in the near future as well, so stay tuned!
yuck a checkers post on a chess site. Programmer.. you mean copy and paster , dude it really isn't that hard to take something already made and make it for another game. Checkers just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and you can never win against the checkers bot since it is a solved game . All these years i though checkers was dead , I was happy. Now I just.. I don't know
@Darksouls It is international droughts, which is a partially solved game and not a fully solved game.
@Sorin_256 oh my bad I just really couldn't care less. The thing that bugs me the most is the blatant rip off of lichess . Maybe they gave credit somewhere over there but i cannot be bothered to look because well its checkers and this topic should be suited for the off topic discussion.
@Darksouls Yeah I was pretty appalled at the fact that they completely copied the lichess web design, heh. At least it shows how good lichess's design is, though. I have a lot of respect for the site.

I think your rhetoric sounds good and something I can agree with. I played on there and thought it was fun, but yeah definitely this belongs on off-topic. Thibault is on there by the way.
@Sorin_256 the checkers pieces would give me a seizure if played for too long. It may be fore some people but I am forever a "chess player" there is no room for checkers in my world ever since that day I got my ass handed to me by a little girl and every time i played it with different people different rules .. I'm set in my ways for me checkers is long dead and buried . I may have to rip off lichess and create liConnectFour , battleship, or spades or hearts. I will not support a checkers site not now not ever. =)

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