
Discrimination against engine players

so im an engine player, and i feel there is unfair discrimination and stigma of "cheating." i use shredder chess, it's how i would describe my playing style. i feel like "cheater" is derogatory and "engine player" should be the more politically correct term. we're still playing, just like you/ we're competing, just like you. and it's not easy! i blew a winning streak last night because i moved the wrong bishop- it's hard because on the engine, the board and colors are reversed so you have to be very careful.

engine players are good for the game. ive had some brilliant games and some pretty amazing comebacks. other players get good practice, and everybody learns. using an engine still requires you to play the game.

its no different than a golfer using a magnetic ball, an WR using sticky gloves, or a keeper using an invisible forcefield in front of the net. it's still about the competition
Well, you have just confessed your sins in a public forum, nothing else.
@comet_rider was made to play chess. Engine chess is NOT chess. It is cheating. If someone wants to play the computer they will play stockfish as provided by When someone clicks a game they want to play a human - not an engine. Please do NOT use an engine.
@comet_rider If you are defending the use of an engine to improve your moves gainst other people in rated matches, that is absurd. This is like saying that it is fine if I copy and paste a PHD thesis from the internet and present it as my own, because I had to go through the arduous process of searching on google. Your argument's are also nonsensical. Your opponent is competing against an engine now, not you.

However, I hope that you have simply misunderstood the term "cheater" and believe that people who play games against cheaters are called engine users. Using an engine to play INDEPENDENTLY against (not copying moves from another rated game you are playing...) or to analyze games are completely fine and are not cheating.
#1 Doesn't make any sense. You are just assuming some superior power and using external assistance to facilitate your play against those who don't. Its just ridiculous.
Computers can calculate 10000+ positions and moves quickly and easily.

Okay, if you don't like the term 'cheater'. Don't worry Lichess just says that you are a violater of the terms of service.
#1 Did you know there's a hidden feature in Lichess? If you unlock it, you will only play against other "engine players."

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