
Digital Boards - amateur and commercial, examples, RFC - I do Reques For Comments

I wanted to make a thread that could help somebody create and choose a way to create a chessboard - commercial (real and working) examples are also welcome :)
First i'll post an example from @ bichopebitou - - page is in French.

Still i am not sure what are the contacts (contactron/ hall effect transistor or a simple force/push solution ) - but is worth an example!

And another inspiring video , that i found a year ago looking for a cheaper-than-dgt eboard - presenter shows his-own-application integration with the commercial eboards - for your information certabo seems to be more expensive than theGT - as i checked the prices last year:

How you got other examples?

I've seen Fred Just's projects before and they are impressive. He uses reed-switches, a very easy to use magnetic sensor. But his hardware design and software is very good, achieving very accurate and speedy move detection.

Here's another project from Gerardo Mateo (Catalonia):

The design is very similar, plus his site is very detailed in instructions, perfect for someone willing to DIY. He's got two different models, one with cabled USB and the other it's battery powered with Bluetooth.


I use vertical reed switch it's necessary like that the detection zone is centered on the center of the square
I use 18x1.5 neodyne magnet on each piece (it is necessary to reverse the polarity of whites and blacks)
I check the board each 10ms so 100 times per seconde it's necessary because there are not pieces recognition
the arduino simply send the state of the chessboard to each change (source code :
and PC must translate all data to PGN format. It is possible by knowing the original position, all the movements and checking the legal moves (source code : or

It's very fast, look this bullet OTB with live broadcasting on my TV

I use my board to play the league4545 and the lonewolf3030 and I stream il you want to see the result :

I plan to do constructions tutorials
I have just found that inductive coupling was used in recognizing different chess pieces already in 1978, in the Belle System created by Hyatt and Thompson - its a note from an email @1999
- Ken Thompson from the beginning of Unix epoch and first endgame tables calculation, he found an example of a forced mate in over 50 moves without a capture and without a pawn move.
BTW - great site to find the clues and info

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